According to today’s Ubisoft conference call and their financial report, The Division will be released in 1. Quarter 2016.
We did not have to wait that long for an official statement of the The Division developers, which they have announced on their website of the game.
We have decided to release the game on Xbox One, PS4 and PC during the first quarter of calendar year 2016.
All of us at Massive, Reflections, Red Storm Entertainment and Ubisoft Annecy want to ensure the game not only meets our high expectations but also those of our fans and players alike. We are proud of what we have achieved so far and can’t wait to show you more next month at E3!
Thanks for your support,
The Dev TeamThe Division Devs
Up to now it was just speculation that we will get new infos of the game at upcoming E3, which was now also confirmed in this blog post. They are probably going to show us some long-sought-for gameplay footage.
In the course of this conference they also announced, that new Ubisoft games won’t support the consoles Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, except for Just Dance.