We thought that the Tom Clancy’s The Division Standard, Gold and Collector’s aka Sleeper Agent Edition are enough versions to choose from, but there is obviously another edition of the game available, which includes extra digital content, like the Gold one does.
The video games retailer GAME has an exclusive limited edition in its offer, that is sadly for the consoles Xbox One and PS4 only and consists of main game plus two additional DLC packs. The packaging might look like a bit misleading, but both packs listed below seem to be actually part of it.
Firefighter Pack

Featuring a unique look for your agent, a Go-Bag that increases resistance to burn damage and an early access to this exclusive custom skinned Super 90 shotgun.
- Firefighter Pants
- Firefighter Jacket
- Black Cap
- Go-Bag with increased burn damage resilience
- Super 90 Shotgun
Police Pack

Featuring a unique look for your agent, a Go-Bag with increased ammo capacity and an early access to this exclusive custom skinned M870 shotgun.
- Cargo Pants
- Police Jacket
- Black Police Beanie
- Go-Bag with increased ammo capacity
- M870 Shotgun
Will you reconsider your pre-order if you have already done so or are you still unsure what version to buy/pre-order? Check out our overview page.
Thanks to [TDA] Tubby™ for the hint.