You have asked, the The Division developers from Ubisoft Massive have answered! IGN has released the Q&A including 14 answers about the game. Although most of them are not really mentionable, we have picked out some things that might still be interesting for you.

No Objectives in the Dark Zone
First of all there will be no “real” objectives in the Dark Zone, which doesn’t mean that the Dark Zone automatically becomes the Dead Zone – well it might do so, in a sense. According to Game Director Petter Mannerfelt there is still plenty to do. Landmarks are such places that await you with challenging encounters, but also valuable loot!
Stash Locations
“Where can I get my loot after extraction?” was probably one of the more asked questions that we have seen during both beta tests. The simple answer is that you can find your extracted loot in the stash located in your Base of Operations, but also in Safe Houses around the world that have to be unlocked first.
Unfortunately this means that we would still have to leave the DZ to clean up our inventory to be able to extract more. Lets see how this turns out.
No Reputation System
To keep every player encounter a more or less fresh experience, there is no reputation system in place that would allow you to rate other players based on their Rogue behaviors.
No Player Inspection
Kind of unexpected is the answer to “whether we will be able to inspect other players’ gear”. As it’s almost common for other RPG based titles, The Division will not offer this functionality, which means that you would either have to guess the gear and skillset of your teammates or talk to them via proximity chat – or whatever you are using to communicate.
Besides of that, if you are interested in how level 27 players perform and what their gear look like, check out the video below.