Although Tom Clancy’s The Division will not have any kind of microtransactions or purchasable Pay2Win related actions (read more), there will be an option to buy vanity item DLCs – probably primarily through the Uplay client or Ubisoft Shop. Meanwhile the Austrian games shop is already listing two of such outfit packs for the first time.
The outfit pack contents seem to be similar to the other gear sets like the Hazmat Gear Set or National Guard Gear Set and consist most likely of a vanity item for the head, a jacket, pants and a skin for the backpack. The price for one of these vanity item packs is currently € 4.99 ~ $ 5.48.
Marine Forces Pack
The Marine Forces Pack is a military themed pack consisting of 4 unique camouflage outfits so that your agent looks like a soldier of the Marine Corps.

Military Outfit Pack
The Military Outfit Pack consists of 4 unique and typical army looks: A Special Forces, Bomb Disposal Unit, Sniper and Pilot gear set.

We would like to know what’s your opinion about them? Do they fit into The Division’s genre, have you expected something like that and is the aforementioned price (which could still change) justified?
Thanks to Dark Major 112 for the hint!