Today’s The Division weekly server maintenance and patch deployment of version 1.0.2 could have run better for Ubisoft and the developers behind the game. Accompanied by grief because of the fall of the Bullet King and the happiness of mostly Rogue and Non-Rogue Agents in the Dark Zone at the same time, the day was overwhelmed with emotions from all sides. Besides that, the State of the Game Talk on Twitch revealed new infos about upcoming update plans.
Patch 1.0.2 and the Bullet King
What happened was that aforementioned Bullet King, a named enemy of the Rikers and apparently famous enough to acquire his own page on Wikipedia, survived his downfall due to an error in the deployment process of the new patch so that Ubisoft was forced to restart the servers for several minutes – 1 hour after the regular maintenance.
He basically allowed players in earlier game versions to respawn named enemies indefinitely and the most efficient way, as long as their minions were not killed. You could also imagine how impatient players can become if there are unexpected server downtimes… that’s why Ubisoft tweeted the following message during the downtime.
While maintenance is ongoing, we want to take a moment to say farewell to the Bullet King.Ubisoft
Finally the restart sorted those little problems out and so called Bullet King is thing of the past, not for those who haven’t killed him yet though. Gamers are already thinking about ways of how the developers could implement some sort of an ingame memorial while an ECHO is one of those suggestions in the official subreddit.
Next Updates and State of the Game
Update: Apparently the for today scheduled update announcement was an error in the official German State of the Game summary, meaning that those changes were already part of patch v1.0.2. Moreover and according to The Division Community Developer Yannick’s statement on reddit, no Special Report will be held this Friday, but confirmed at the same time that something like that is planned for the future.
Hey guys,
This is actually a mistake in the German article. There is no hotfix today: changes that were initially considered for hotfix this Thursday were actually implemented with update 1.0.2 on Tuesday.
Also, we will not host a Special Report livestream this week either. There will be one soon though, and we will make sure to let you know before it happens. :)
Cheers, YannickYannick Banchereau, Community Developer
The next game update is already scheduled for this Thursday, March 24 and will not cause the servers to go down for maintenance, as its main purpose is to fix annoying bugs which have been reported by the community through social channels and customer support (official source [German]).
Unser nächstes Update ist für Donnerstag, den 24. März, vorgesehen und erfordert keine Server-Wartung oder Auszeit.
This means that you can continue playing during the deployment. Thanks to MYDIVISION.NET for finding this.
April will then be the month where the first big and free content update in form of Incursions will be rolled out. While we do not know a lot about it at the moment, the developers would like to provide as much information as they can in their upcoming podcast as well as the Special Report, which will be live-streamed this Friday, March 25 (exact time unknown).