The Division Community Manager Natchai has announced another server maintenance for this week a few minutes ago in the official forums. The servers will go down tomorrow Thursday, April 21st at 09:00 AM CEST / 03:00 AM EDT / 00:00 AM PDT. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.
During the maintenance, a new game patch will be deployed that tries to finally get rid of the possibilities to glitch/exploit the Falcon Lost Incursion.
However, after reading through the patch notes it sounds better as it is. Instead of resolving the real source for all the problems The Division is currently plagued by, it’s just “a small cure” for the Incursion problem in particular, but will leave other game breaking bugs, that even affect the PvP mode of the game untouched, although it’s heavily related to the source of this problem.
Anyway, at least exploiters will have to find another way to get an unfair advantage over other agents, because as soon as the new patch is live, players won’t be able to damage the APC, unless they plant the from the game provided C4.
Besides that, only a few minor fixes are part of tomorrow’s patch.
Falcon Lost
- The APC will now only take damage from C4
- Characters will now be killed when going inside the spawn closet
- Weapon mods added automatically to a newly crafted weapon can now be deconstructed properly
- Fixed an issue where items from the Reward Claim Vendor would be granted abnormally
- PC: Fixed an issue where using ASCII code in in-game chat could lead to client crash