The third The Division Special Report is over and now we only have to be a bit more patient until update 1.3 “Underground” becomes available after tomorrow’s maintenance to players on Xbox One and PC. Unfortunately, players on PS4 have to wait around one week longer for the regular, free update as it was said during the stream and one more month (August 2nd) for the paid “Underground” DLC.
Update 1.3 Trailer
An hour ago, a second trailer for this update was released which you can find right down below. In case you have missed the first one and want to see it, feel free to follow this link.
We will not cover every single point from today’s published patch notes here, but have picked out the most noticeable and interesting changes. If you want to dive and dig deeper, you can find a few interesting articles about the new weapons and Underground mechanics in our Misc section at the end of this post.
Heroic Mode & New Challenging Missions
The newly added Heroic Mode for Story Missions, Incursions and the Underground will reward you with the highest Gear Score items, consisting of 268 Gear Set items as well as 229 GS weapons. Besides the new Gear Sets, also all old Gear Set items from 1.1 and 1.2 can drop with an increased Gear Score so that you can keep them if you still want to use them. 6 more missions will be available in Challenge/Heroic Mode. The Heroic Mode for the new Incursion Dragon’s Nest will be available in one week.
New Gear Sets
5 new Gear Sets are part of update 1.3. AlphaBridge is available for free.

- AlphaBridge (Solo/Survival)
- Reclaimer (Support)
- B.L.I.N.D. (Hybrid/Darkness)
- DeadEYE (Sniper)
- FireCrest (DPS/Offensive)
Weapon Talent Recalibration
Weapon Kits and Phoenix Credits are required in order to be able to re-roll a Weapon Talent on your weapon. A Weapon Kit can be either obtained through a normal loot drop or by crafting it with any High-End material. You can recalibrate a gear item or Weapon Talent up to 6 times before the ability to do so gets disabled.
- Patch Notes v1.3
- “Underground” DLC (Story, Mechanics, Progression System)
- Weapon Balancing
- 3 Exclusive The Division Outfits
- Release Time
- Loot from chests in the DZ will be more valuable.
- High-End Division Tech can now be converted (3 for 1) into any other High-End crafting material.
- DZ Bracket 231+ GS
- New Social Space in your Base of Operations features a fast-travel point.
- Matchmaking and fast-travel into no-respawn areas.
- Added a base weapon damage value that makes it easier to compare weapons.
- Underground Caches work similar to Sealed Caches, however they can contain additional bonus items that are based on your character’s Gear Score, rather than the mission difficulty they were received in.
- Dragon’s Nest Incursion will feature multiple checkpoints, is longer than Falcon Lost and Clear Sky and will reward you with more loot.