The launch of the latest The Division update 1.3 “Underground” went smoothly and without further complications, however there are still some bugs you might want to be aware of. Besides a full list of known issues you can find in the official forums, we have selected some of them which could actually affect your current build strategy or general gameplay.
Pulse Scan
The Pulse Scan skill is currently not working as intended, as it is not always scanning all enemies in range. So even if there are no enemies marked on the map, you should check every corner twice while the team is trying to fix this problem. (Source)
First Aid Collision
The majority of players is using First Aid as their primary skill. Sometimes it can happen that it will go through the ground. Try to set it either on flat terrain or avoid to place it on the ground in critical situations. This bug’s status is under investigation. (Source)
Tip: With update 1.3 it’s also possible to bind a key for instant skill use (self-cast).
Blue Division Tech in Dark Zone 201+/231+
With the introduction of the new DZ bracket 231+, players can now loot more than 1 Division Tech from boxes. Unfortunately it’s Blue Division Tech instead of High-End. A proper fix is underway. (Source)
PP-19 + Recalibration
If you are thinking about to re-roll the third Weapon Talent on your PP-19, wait for it until the next gameplay patch gets deployed. The reason for this is that the third free recalibrated talent could then have attribute requirements which you definitely want to avoid. A fix for this is underway. (Source)
Compared to the M870 or Super 90, which are both semi-automatic Shotguns, the newly introduced AA-12 Showstopper is an automatic Shotgun. At the moment, the 4-set bonus of the Sentry’s Call Gear Set is triggered when using it, although it should only do that when using a Pistol, Marksman Rifle or semi-automatic Shotgun. (Source)
Moreover it should be possible to recalibrate it, which isn’t possible at the moment. (Source)
Fixes for both problems are underway.
G36 Base Damage
After the nerfs of the AUG’s and Vector’s base damage, the next one on the list is the currently much loved G36. Its base damage is too high compared to all the other weapons in the game, which why it is used by almost everyone at the moment.
Instead of nerfing damage, the developers should consider to increase the damage of all weapons at some point. This will not only help to solve the balancing problems in PvP, but could also feel more rewarding when enemy NPCs can be killed much faster as your gear evolves – even on Heroic difficulty.
Because this problem will be fixed soon, don’t dismantle or sell your other good weapons for now. (Source)
Map not Loading
Most likely because of the map changes that were applied to display the new Underground map routes, some players are experiencing problems with opening the mega map. Will probably be fixed during the next maintenance. (Source)
One is None
In some cases, the talent “One is None” can still jam your weapon. The developers are trying hard to resolve this unruly problem. (Source)
The free update 1.3 for PlayStation 4 players and Tom Clancy outfits are expected to be released this week, so a server maintenance will either happen on Tuesday or Thursday. Some of the aforementioned problems will probably be fixed then. Please head over the the official forums for a full list of known issues.