The new Update 1.4 will be fully focusing on improving The Division’s core gameplay experience, which not only, but also includes fixing bugs that might be there since launch. Because there are many of them, it’s very important to start prioritizing which bugs should be addressed first and that’s why the developers are asking the community to give them lists of our top 10 most annoying bugs.
It’s once more – besides the Elite Task Force Workshop at Massive and the numerous other ways to give feedback – our chance to actively take part in making version 1.4 as good as possible by helping them providing this information. Based on that, the developers will hopefully be able to draw a clear roadmap of things that need to be changed in this next big patch.
As said in a previous article, probably not everything will make it into this patch, however that’s why you should definitely let them know about what things affect your gameplay experience in a negative way. Please consider that this thread was particularly created for reporting bugs and technical issues, other topics like balancing, items and so on will be discussed in other threads in the Agent Intel forum.
You can post your list of bugs in this thread in the official forums.