Players who are there since day one might have already heard of the so called ETF, new ones probably not. The Elite Task Force is a group of 13 passionated players like you and me who helped out Ubisoft Massive in September to make The Division great again with Update 1.4 – one of the biggest and most important updates ever since launch.
Because the first one was a huge success for the developers as well as the community, a group of new players will return in January 2017 to join the game’s dev team in another 3-day long and intensive workshop. The focus will be on improving the experience in the Dark Zone and the balancing of the PvP mode and apparently these changes will have an impact on the next big Update 1.6.
On a side note, the developers created a huge poster as a tribute for the first members. You can find it on the right side when exiting the Base of Operations.
It’s again your chance to directly share your ideas and honest opinions about certain topics with the development team, this time however in the USA at the studio of Red Storm Entertainment in Morrisville, North Carolina, from January 11th – 13th.
You don’t need to be a famous person or a content creator like a YouTuber or streamer to be eligible, it’s enough to have at least some hours of gameplay experience to know what’s going on in the middle of Manhattan – everybody has a chance to go there!
If you don’t want to miss that opportunity, check out the requirements and fill out the form linked down below.
- You’ll need to be available from January 11th – 13th
- 18+ years old and have a valid passport
- All expenses like flights, hotel and food are paid by Ubisoft
They are accepting submissions from now on. Good luck Agents!
Elite Task Force Workshop Form
Source: Official forums