Tom Clancy’s The Division will be available for free to play on PC this weekend, from December 15th to 18th. If you haven’t tried it out yet or would like to compare it to the console version, this is your chance to do so!
Although the contents of the Season Pass won’t be accessible, there is plenty of stuff to do, starting from playing through an intense story and exploring Manhattan to completing assignments, Incursions and competing against other players in a mixed PvE/PvP environment, called the Dark Zone. You basically just need a PC that is good enough to meet the game’s requirements.
At the same time, the game will be on sale with a -50% discount on Standard and Gold Edition (includes Season Pass). More information about this offer can be found in the Uplay client or the Ubisoft Store. The Free Weekend will begin at 06:00 PM GMT on December 15th and will end at 09:00 PM GMT on December 18th.
Also worth to mention is that your newly created character(s) would carry over once you have upgraded to the full game.
What are you waiting for? The preload has already begun! In case the link isn’t working, you will probably have to download and install the Uplay client first.
See you in New York City, Agent!