Another regular maintenance day is over. Without any changes or bugfixes on the game itself, today’s State of the Game episode unfortunately hasn’t revealed the information most of us might have waited for, the release date of The Division’s upcoming Update 1.6 and Last Stand.
Although both things are pretty much ready to go, the only thing that is blocking Ubisoft from releasing the new patch is the outstanding approval of Sony and Microsoft who are currently reviewing the build. Because the developers don’t know how long this will take (in general a couple of days), they decided to not give out a final release date yet.
The release version will be similar to the build from PTS 4 and also include a change for the DeadEYE Gear Set whose 4-piece bonus is now only working with scopes where you can actually aim down sights and not with normal ones like the red-dot sight anymore.
Last but not least, they mentioned that the end of year one doesn’t mean that there will be no new content for The Divsion in the future. Considering all the changes that have been made in the past to bring the game back on track, a solid foundation is there to build on and we more or less already know that something like a Year 2 Season Pass is almost confirmed.