Today’s State of the Game episode from April 6th was very short, with only 8 minutes probably the shortest one we ever had. The reason for this is more or less obvious – there is nothing really new to talk about yet while the developers are still working on the next Quality of Life Update 1.6.1, which is scheduled to be released in May; and of course the content for Year 2.
Continuing to talk about persistent bugs players are currently facing off and making jokes here and there while the community is probably not in the mood for laughing is maybe not the best idea if you are actually considering the state of the game and the responses these episodes recently received. And that’s why Ubisoft Massive has most likely decided to make a survey about the current state of “The Division’s State of the Game”, to gather some feedback from the players what they expect from this stream in the future.
We really appreciate the effort and time the developers – especially Hamish and Yannick – are putting into a format like this each week, but for us, it definitely doesn’t mean that episodes have to be streamed every week. If there is nothing to talk about or a shorter and concise stream like the one today, that’s totally fine. On the other side, the community is also not sleeping and still producing content, so showcasing some of this might be also something they could look into – or not (as you like it).
That’s where this survey comes into play. It consists of questions starting from how often you are watching episodes, the length of the stream, to whether you prefer weekly streams, or more game focused ones every now and then when there is actually something interesting for the Community Developers to talk about.
Go and share your opinion with them here!