Today’s main topic in a new episode of State of the Game was tomorrow’s go-live of the Public Test Server for The Division’s upcoming Update 1.6.1, which is still scheduled to be released somewhere in May.
The PTS will be accessible for all PC players who own the game and while some of them might be already able to download the client, others have to be a bit more patient until tomorrow morning. As always, live characters will be copied to the test servers and no progress on the PTS will be carried over once the new update gets deployed.
We don’t know yet how long this test phase will be, but time will show depending on how stable the build is as well as how much feedback is provided by the community. The detailed patch notes for this update, which includes the highly requested Loadouts feature, will be published somewhere tomorrow when the servers go live. Stay tuned!
Moreover, the developers announced another formation of a new Elite Task Force. This time, the workshop will be held at the studio of Ubisoft Reflections (Newcastle, UK). More news about this will come soon, but make sure that you are travel ready and have a valid passport if you are interested in joining.