After three weeks of heavy testing on the public test server, the polishing for The Division’s upcoming Quality Update 1.6.1 is finally done. Moreover, Microsoft and Sony have already verified and approved the console builds, which why the update will be released next week Tuesday, May 23rd.
Although the final patch notes haven’t been published yet (this will happen next Monday as usual) you could still get an almost full and final picture of what has been changed by checking out the Global PTS Patch Notes.
Besides this upcoming release, the workshop with ETF Charlie – a group of 12 gamers around the community – will take place at the end of next week at Ubisoft Reflections, Newcastle. As far as today’s State of the Game episode has revealed, the main focus will be on The Division’s content updates 1.7 and 1.8, while discussions around gameplay and general things to improve the game won’t be left out. Furthermore, there will be surveys for the whole community to prioritize certain workshop topics, as well as daily updates in the official The Division forums. More info on that will follow soon.
Update: A new Pre-ETF Charlie survey is now available.