The ETF Charlie workshop has ended yesterday after 4 days of knowledge and opinion sharing between the invited players and The Division’s development team. Hopefully the expectations on both sides were met and fulfilled and everybody was able to take some nice and useful impressions back home.
The workshop was primarily about The Division’s Year 2 content plan, including the upcoming updates 1.7 and 1.8, which are planned to be released around this Summer. And in addition, of course, general topics involving gameplay, balancing, items and Gear Sets, PvP, DLCs and so on.
Not only did the invitees get the chance to test and play this new, already announced content like Feats and Global Events (formerly known as Seasons) and the revamped Rogue mechanics (1.8) on day 2, but also completely new stuff the developers haven’t talked about yet through the official channels.
According to an ETF Charlie member called morganamp on reddit, it seems so that we can prepare for a bit more to come than we had initially expected. While we don’t know exactly what this means, his post sounds very promising.
Hey guys and gals. I wanted to drop a quick note just to say that I have seen and played some of the new content that will be delivered for free in the next two patches and it is awesome.
You feel the fingerprints of the community all throughout what is being developed. The Devs are listening and reacting and it’s glorious.
As much as the year one celebration stream was a kick in the nuts for me this feels like a warm hug and a good meal.
This was also posted with the permission of the developers since each of the ETF members is under an NDA and are therefore not allowed to share everything they have experienced on site. It’s really nice to hear that there apparently seems to be more under the hood for future releases, especially when you read things like:
Not re-used but NEW content. I’ll say now it’s a HOME RUN!
, as another verified ETF member has just posted it a couple of minutes ago in the official subreddit. Next to discussions around new and existing Gear Sets and the Underground, the following day 3 was all about
- Update 1.8’s new features and content,
- World Tiers
- and Survival improvements.
Although a World Tier and/or Gear Score increase seems to be coming up soon, Community Manager mattshotcha said that an increase is still not 100% confirmed yet, however they have used the opportunity to talk with the players to grab their thoughts in prior.
On the last day they talked about The Division’s core and what things can be improved besides the game, like future State of the Game episodes and patches. Along with recap discussions about previous days, these were the main topics on day 4:
- Gear Score Feature Improvements
- Quality of Life Improvements
- Loot, Drop Rates, Vendors, and Qualities
- Dark Zone (PvP) & Light Zone (PvE) Improvements
- Commendations and New Vanity Option
While no more information than this can be shared with the community at the moment, also because the content is not fully finished yet to talk about it, the upcoming weeks will show what the developers are preparing for us.