Thanks to the ETF preview about Global Events and Commendations last week, we already know in which direction The Division’s Update 1.7 is heading to. A recently published official article now sheds more light on Global Events and tries to clear up a couple of uncertainties that arose since then.
In addition, the last State of the Game episode from June 8th shows some actual gameplay scenes with the modifiers we will talk about below.
The developers are planning to provide us with a full calendar of activities and events, consisting of aforementioned Global Events which are supposed to run once a month for a full week as well as other things like double XP/reward events we already had in the past.

Similar to how the mission setup in Underground works, three types of modifiers allow you to customize these in PvE only available Global Events to fit your needs in story missions and Incursions, under consideration of the current World Tier you are playing in. Moreover, some sort of leaderboard will allow you to track your personal stats.
Global Modifiers

Global Modifiers, the ones which represent the event itself, are so called positive modifiers and should help the player to succeed in a new interesting way, no matter how good or bad you are. One of them for example could add a modifier that “lets NPCs explode on a Headshot kill, inflicting bleed to nearby enemies”.
Activity Modifiers

Activity Modifiers on the other hand will – like Directives – add some challenges to the existing content. As one of the screenshot reveals, this could be “poisonous enemies which will cause damage over time to you if you are getting too close to them, while Headshots kills will inflict the Bleed status effect”.
Group Modifiers
Group Modifiers are a mix of both, Global and Activity Modifiers, with another layer on top of it that is especially designed for group play. These require more coordination, teamwork, and tactics, but will also give better rewards in the end.
Tokens & Rewards
Speaking about rewards, Global Events will introduce another token currency you will receive from completing content with such modifiers. A new Global Event vendor will exchange these tokens for Sealed Caches, unique vanity items and other new rewards the developers will talk about soon.

Although this feature (formerly known as Seasons) seems to be almost finished, it isn’t and is still work in progress as the developers say. If you have any feedback or thoughts about Global Events, you can share them in the official feedback forums.