The Division Update 1.8.3 is now live on all three platforms! The changelog is not really surprising, so received the Classified Gear Set version of Striker’s Battlegear the already announced balancing update in form of an adaption of heal rate and the way stacks are maintained.
In addition, it’s no longer possible to get the full amount of instant healing when dropping and immediately destroying the Support Station. Instead, it is now based on the time the skill is active. An issue with the Showstopper has been fixed and the Rainbow Commendation should now be easier to unlock due to the changed and towards the end-game adjusted requirements.
Although the free week of Survival should have ended yesterday, the developers decided to extend it until Monday because of the server availability problems at the end of last week. This means that you have still got some days to complete the “Phoenix” Shield challenges for free.
The full details of this update can be found in the patch notes below.
Patch Notes
- Game Changes
- Classified Gear
- Striker’s Battlegear
- EMP now pauses stack accumulation and bonus damage and healing are not applied. Existing stacks are lost with time and by missing shots.
- Classified Striker bonus heal rate is reduced and shots landed only add +1 stack to each bonus when playing in the Dark Zone, Last Stand, and Skirmish.
- Full text in-game:
- 4 piece bonus: Every consecutive hit deals 1% more damage. Stacks up to 100%. Missing shots drops bonus by 2%. Bonus is reduced by 1% every second. It is not possible to gain stacks and bonus damage is not applied while under the effects of EMP. Bonus is lost when exiting combat.
- 6 piece bonus: Every hit adds 2 stacks of a self-healing bonus; each stack is worth 0.01% of max health per second. Stacks up to 100 hits. This bonus is increased by 0.05% per stack for every 3000 Stamina. Missing shots drops the bonus by 1 stack and the bonus is reduced by 2 stacks every second. It is not possible to gain stacks and the self-healing bonus is not applied while under the effects of EMP. Bonus is lost when exiting combat. While in the Dark Zone, Last Stand, or Skirmish, each hit only adds 1 stack instead of 2 and the healing rate is reduced.
- Every hit increases the bonus damage from Striker’s Battlegear by an additional 1%. Missing shots drops the bonus damage from Striker’s Battlegear by 1% and the bonus is reduced by 2% every second. While in the Dark Zone, Last Stand, or Skirmish, the additional 1% bonus damage is not applied.
- Striker’s Battlegear
- Skills
- Support Station Master Mod
- When disabling a Support Station with the Master Mod the heal now scales depending on how long the skill has been active.
- Support Station Master Mod
- Weapons
- Showstopper
- Fixed an issue where the Showstopper could fire extra rounds. Note that while the extra shot does not go off, the sound and controller rumble for that extra shot are still present in the game.
- The snap aim of the Showstopper has been adjusted.
- Showstopper
- Gameplay
- Fixed an issue that caused players to appear running in place when using a skill under certain circumstances.
- The expansion stash is now available for all players, regardless of DLC ownership.
- Commendations
- Rainbow 6 commendation requirements now read “Equip 6 different quality pieces of gear (grey/exotic, green, blue, purple, orange and gear set)”
- Classified Gear