In just a couple of days The Division’s Public Test Server will – for the first time since the PTS initiative was started – also be available for agents on both consoles. While players on PC will start right away into test week 3 of Update 1.7, the on consoles deployed build will run PTS 2 due to the quality verification process of Sony and Microsoft.

We know that console gamers have been eagerly awaiting the start of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One public test servers. Rest assured that you will be able to get to grips with the PTS next (this) week! Agents who have been selected to take part will receive an e-mail invitation next (this) week, and pre-loads will be enabled. The consoles will start out on the PTS 2 build around the same time that PC players receive PTS 3, and all platforms will end their PTS runs at the same time. Global Events will also be active on consoles!State of the Game – July 6th, 2017

Unfortunately, not all console players will get the chance to participate in this test. Please find the criteria down below of who is eligible for participating as well as what the further steps would be until the PTS for consoles goes live.

Finally, in response to your requests we would like to clarify the eligibility criteria for these public test servers:

Our selection process considers Uplay accounts with valid e-mail addresses which were active in the game within a 30-day period which ended last week. These players are then ranked by their playtime since the game launched last year. All eligible players will receive an access key via e-mail, and we’ll be sending out 10,000 invites to PS4 and Xbox players respectively.State of the Game – July 6th, 2017

Once you are set-up, there will be a preload phase of the Console PTS client with a download size of approximately 40 GB. We don’t know exactly when those aforementioned invitation emails will be sent out, but make sure to regularly check your inbox. Update: Console PTS now live.

For further questions around the PTS, please head over to the official FAQs. The current Global PTS Patch Notes can be found here. Good luck!