The next patch is incoming in form of the weekly maintenance and will finally force players to actually play the first Incursion Falcon Lost instead of glitching through it as some gamers out there are lamely practicising it since the content uppdate 1.1. Besides that, the currently not working “Protection from Elites” attribute – we have reported about it a few days ago – will also be fixed!
If you haven’t noticed it yet, the weekly maintenance will now be every Thursday instead of Tuesday. That’s why the servers will shut down tomorrow Thursday, April 28th at 09:00 AM CEST / 03:00 AM EDT / 00:00 AM PDT. Estimated downtime is approximately 3 hours. As usual a State of the Game talk will be held during the time the servers are down.
- Protection from Elites will now correctly reduce damage received from Elite enemies
- Fixed a bug with Rehabilitated where the talent could remain active when used in combination with a tear gas grenade
- Fixed an exploit where players could go through walls by using a ladder while the Jumping Jack emote is active
- Falcon Lost: Players will no longer be able to shoot inside the incursion when they are standing outside of it