The The Division Dev Tracker tracks posts of developers and relevant Ubisoft moderators.
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Last Update: 28.07.2024 - 13:23 GMT / 9848 Topics / 8458 Posts / RSS-Feed
Topic: When will the Q&A be? Or the ANA or whatever you call it?
x> 10 Post(s) / RSS-Feed-
Got it! Thanks.
Can you confirm that it sent? I'm checking and I don't see anything on TheDivisionGame :(
We'd prefer it with voice if possible! Just turn on a webcam and send through a message if you'd like :)
I'll be checking that Skype account for video messages as often as I can. Can't wait to hear from you guys :D
Please send your questions as video messages to the following Skype account: TheDivisionGame ;)
Hello all! As mentioned previously, we'll organize the Reddit AMA when the team will be able to make the most out of it, for you. This moment has not arrived yet, but Hamish or I will keep you posted. I can however tell you that starting early next week, you'll have fresh behind the scenes info. Two Dev Blogs coming next week. ;)