With Incursions, Tom Clancy’s The Division received a completely new endgame activity that focuses heavily on teamplay and communication. It was introduced with update 1.1 and is available for free and playable for everyone.


Incursions are repeatable missions and come in two difficulties – Hard and Challenging, with the differences that Hard can be seen as something like Challenging for the existing Daily Missions. On Challenging difficulty, no checkpoints are available during the mission, which makes it even harder to succeed. It requires a strong team of agents who synergize in all aspects to complete them.

The mission design is based on 15 waves with a final objective, like in the first Incursion Falcon Lost, where players have to destroy an APC of the LMB.


As hard as this game mode might be, the better are the mission based and weekly rewards you can earn when completing them. Incursions are the first place when you are looking for Gear Set items as at least one item is a guaranteed drop. A second one can be acquired through the weekly reward.

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