The Path of the Nomad Gear Set provides bonuses for lone wanderers and is perfect for players who want a second chance when exploring dangerous areas like the Dark Zone.

Set Bonuses

  • Set Bonus (2):
    +15% Health on Kill
  • Set Bonus (3):
    Nomad’s Resolve – Administers a constant small heal, allowing the user to heal passed the segments of the healthbar.
  • Set Bonus (4):
    Talent | Nomad
    When receiving fatal damage, you are instead healed to full health. Can occur once every 4 minutes.

Set Item Drop Locations

Update 1.4 changed the way of how and where Gear Set items can be obtained. Finding them and building a set might take a while, but it's worth it if you want to max out your character.

If you are now looking for a specific set piece, you could just play one of the three currently available Incursions:

  • Falcon Lost: Gloves, Mask
  • Clear Sky: Chest, Holster
  • Dragon’s Nest: Backpack, Kneepads

Please keep in mind that vendor stocks are refreshing every few hours, so if you don't see them now, simply come back later.

Back to the Gear Sets overview.

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