Hard Wired is a Gear Set in The Division 2 which relies on the usage of skills and boosts their damage as well as repairing abilities under certain conditions.

Set Bonuses
- Set Bonus (2/6):
20% Skill Health - Set Bonus (3/6):
20% Increased Shock Duration - Set Bonus (4/6):
+20.0% Skill Power - Set Bonus (5/6):
Tamper Proof: Electrify your deployed skills (hive, turrets, pulse sensor) causing enemies wandering too close to be shocked/disrupted in PvP. Can occur every 10 seconds. - Set Bonus (6/6):
Feedback Loop: Killing with a skill resets the cooldown of your other skill. Repairing a friendly agent’s armor from zero resets the cooldown of your skills. Can only occur every 15 seconds. When a skill cooldown ends (or reaches full charges), gain bonus damage and repair to all skills for 15 seconds.
Set Item Drop Locations
Materials of the Hard Wired Gear Set have been scattered by Black Tusk patrols. Acquire Hard Wired materials from Black Tusk Activities/Patrols/Bounties in the open world.
You need to complete the following missions on any difficulty to receive the components and unlock the Blueprints to craft the different gear pieces. Component drops are not guaranteed, which why missions may have to replayed several times to get the desired material.
- Grand Washington Hotel: Hard Wired M-Component (Mask)
- Jefferson Trade Center: Hard Wired C-Component: (Chest)
- Federal Emergency Bunker: Hard Wired B-Component (Backpack)
- Lincoln Memorial: Hard Wired G-Component (Gloves)
- Air & Space Museum: Hard Wired H-Component (Holster)
- Bank Headquarters: Hard Wired K-Component (Kneepads)
- Occupied Dark Zone: Hard Wired Tech (also available in the open world)
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