Reset Timers

Keep track of the upcoming in-game activity and event resets in Tom Clancy's The Division 2.
Have a look at the countdowns below to find out when the dates and times for the next resets are.
Looking for the timers in The Division?

Reset Timers?

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 makes use of so-called reset timers for different in-game activities, to first prevent players from doing the same thing over and over again, but also to provide “new content” on a daily basis instead of having everything resetting on one day.

That’s why we have created this page that lets you find out when the next resets for Daily & Weekly Projects, Vendors and other events like the Weekly Maintenance and State of the Game talk happen – without having to start your game. Based on the timezone you are located in, dates will and should hopefully be automatically shown in your local time.


In addition, we have integrated some options to change the countdowns’ appearance.

  • Timezone:
    Keep the auto-guess-pick or select one of the other provided timezones:

    • PST/PDT (Pacific Standard Time/Pacific Daylight Time)
    • EST/EDT (Eastern Standard Time/Eastern Daylight Time)
    • GMT/UTC (Greenwich Mean Time/Coordinated Universal Time)
    • BST (British Summer Time)
    • CEST (Central European Summer Time)
    • AEDT/AEST (Australian Eastern Daylight Time/Australian Eastern Standard Time)
  • Order by Time:
    While the countdowns’ order is based on the weekdays by default, you can change its order to see the next resets on top.
  • Days in Hours:

    • [dd:hh:mm:ss]  (Default)
    • [hhh:mm:ss] (Used in-game)
  • Compact View:
    Might be useful for smaller devices.