Survivalists control their surroundings using traps, status effects and are equipped with a precision crossbow to take their targets down, even in the harshest of environments.
Signature Weapon: Explosive Tipped Crossbow
General Modifiers
- Elite Defense (Level 2)
20% increased Protection from Elites. - Triage Specialist (Level 2)
15% increased outgoing healing. - Crunch Time
10% Skill cooldown reduction when in cover. - Vital Protection
Reduce the chance you are critically hit in Conflict by 20%. - Survivalist Tactical Link
Group members get 10% bonus damage to targets with status effects.
Weapon Modifiers
- Incendiary Grenade
The incendiary grenade applies Burn to targets within the radius. - Survivalist D50
A .44 Magnum Revolver with optical attachment slot. - Gunslinger
10% increased Sidearm damage. - Signature Weapon Damage (Level 3)
- Tier 4: 145% increased Signature Weapon damage.
- Running The Gun (Level 2)
- Tier 3: 15% increased Shotgun damage.
- E.M.I. (Level 2)
- Tier 3: 15% increased Assault Rifle damage.
- Infantry 5.56 Mag
Custom magazine for 5.56 Assault Rifles.
Skill Modifiers
- Mender
The mender seeker mine follows allies and repairs their armor. - Magnetic Disc
Mod to reduce the seeker mine cooldown. - Larrea Tridentata Infusion
Mod to increase the seeker mine healing.
- Distributed Repair
Armor kits now repair over 5 seconds instead of instantly, but the repair effect now also applies to group members within a radius of 10 meters. - Explosive Bolt Acquisition
Enemies killed while under status effects may drop crossbow bolts (Signature Weapon ammo). - Group Signature Ammo Supply
The group has a chance to gain Signature Weapon ammo when a target with status effect is killed. - Scraping By
Gain 5 ammo per second for your current weapon while performing a cover-to-cover in combat. - Survivalist Uniform
An outfit for the Survivalist.
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