Weapon Talents are passive abilities or perks that can be found on High-End weapons. Depending on its archetype, a weapon can have up to 3 of them.

Although these Weapon Talents have nothing to do with the character’s abilities at first, they work similar to Talents and Perks.

They get either activated when a special action is triggered or work passively once the usage requirements of Firearms, Stamina and Electronics are fulfilled, while the last one on a weapon is automatically unlocked.

Since update 1.3, Weapon Talents can be recalibrated at the Recalibration Station.

AccurateAccuracy is increased by x
AdeptSkill increases your critical hits chance by 3% for y seconds
BalancedWeapon acquires maximum accuracy faster when shouldered
BrutalHeadshot damage is increased by x% when using this weapon
CapableUsing a skill improves the handling of your weapon for x seconds
CommandingEvery kill performed while the signature skill is active extends its duration by x%
CompetentWeapon damage is increased by x% for y seconds after using a skill
CoolheadedPerforming a headshot reduces all skill cooldowns by x%
DeadlyCritical hit damage is increased by x%
DestructiveArmor destruction value is increased by x% when using this weapon
DeterminedKilling a target reduces skill cooldowns by x%
DominantEvery kill while your signature skill is active reduces the cooldown of your other skills by x%
ExpertThis weapon deals x% more damage when the target is below y% health
FerociousDamage against elite and named enemies is increased by x%
FierceCritical hit chance is increased by x% when using this weapon
FordernKills by active skills prolong their duration by x%
HarmfulEach hit has a x% chance to apply the ‘bleed’ status effect
IntenseThe first bullet of a magazine has a x% chance to apply the ‘on fire’ status effect
MeticulousKilling a traget has a x% chance to instantly refill the magazine
PreparedDamage is increased by x%when more than 40 meters from the target
ProvidentThe last bullet in your magazine deals x% bonus damage
ProficientThe first bullet shot when out of combat has a x% chance to result in a critical hit
PredatoryKilling a target regenerates x% health over y seconds
RestoredKilling a target with this weapon removes all negative status effects
ResponsiveDamage is increased by 5% when closer than 10 meters to the target
StableStability is improved by x%
SustainedKilling a target increases your health by x%
SkilledHeadshot kills with this weapon increase signature skill resources by x%
SwiftReloading is x% faster
Self-preservedCritical hits with this weapon heal the user for x% of damage dealt
TalentedKilling a target with this weapon increases skill power by x% for y seconds
ToxicHeadshots with this weapon have a x% chance to apply the ‘blind’ status effect
TrainedCritical hits increase signature skill resources by 0.01%
UnforgivingMissing health segments increases your damage by x%
ViciousCritical hit chance is increased by x% while at full health.