Without any further notice the in last week announced PC Patch was successfully deployed today and will only require a restart of the Uplay client. The patch brings DirectX 12 support and hopefully sorts out some of the with Update 1.5 introduced performance issues. The full list of changes can be found below:
- Fixed some instances with the Xbox controller not working on PC
- Addressed some rare cases with the Fullscreen mode not working
- Some improvements to the audio positioning have been made
- Improvements to high CPU usage cases on PC
- Players losing control of their characters for a brief moment
- DirectX12 is now supported
Furthermore there will be a server maintenance tomorrow, Thursday, December 15th at 09:30 AM CET / 03:30 AM EST / 00:30 AM PST. As always, the downtime will be around 3 hours long. The following bugs will be fixed:
- Fixed a bug where any weapon could be used with the Ballistic Shield.
- Fixed a bug where immediately leaving a Survival session rewarded players with too much Field Proficiency XP.
- Fixed a bug where the same Named NPC could be killed endlessly.